Inline Assembly
SharpBASIC supports inline assembly code written in NASM (Netwide Assembler), which is also used by the compiler as back-end. To include assembly code, use the asm-statement:
asm do
' ...
SharpBASIC identifiers can be used inside assembly code blocks. Hexadecimal numbers can be used as well, either in SharpBASIC notation, e.g. #hFF, or in traditional notation, e.g. FFh or 0xFF.
The following inline assembly example is from the SharpBASIC 32-bits system library and copies a block of memory. Note that inside assembly code blocks, comments start with a semicolon.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' copy a memory block
' saddr: source address
' daddr: destination address
' size: length in bytes to be copied
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub cpmem(saddr: ptr, daddr: ptr, size: uint)
asm do
push esi
push edi
push eax
push ecx
mov ecx, [size] ; length
cmp ecx, #h0 ; larger than 0 ?
jle .out
mov esi, [saddr] ; source
mov edi, [daddr] ; destination
mov al, [esi] ; from source
mov [edi], al ; to destination
inc esi ; increment pointers
inc edi
dec ecx ; decrement counter
cmp ecx, #h0 ; done?
jne .copy
pop ecx
pop eax
pop edi
pop esi
Keep in mind that no registers are preserved when setting up an inline assembly code block.
inline-assembly.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/01 10:41 by admin