Stages 75-78
Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2021 4:54 pm
- Support added for character types chr8, chr16 and chr32. See data types in documentation.
- for-loop changed to count-loop and support added for downward iteration. Keywords up and down required for iteration direction:
- added function typof to return the code of an identifier's type.
- function asc added to return character's ascii code
- loop conditions while and until are now both allowed as first or last loop statement:
- built-in subroutines stob, stow, stod added to write byte-, word- and dword-data to memory. Example code using stob to convert integer to binary string:
- for consistency print and swap statements are now treated as subroutines and require parentheses
Syntax highlighting support for SharpBASIC added to the forum. 277 languages in total are supported for the code box. Simply add the language name behind the tag, e.g.: 'code=nasm'. See the Prism website for supported language names. SharpBASIC syntax highlighting is default and does not need to be added to the code box tag.
- for-loop changed to count-loop and support added for downward iteration. Keywords up and down required for iteration direction:
Code: Select all
count i up 1 to 9
' ..
count i down 9 to 1
' ..
- function asc added to return character's ascii code
- loop conditions while and until are now both allowed as first or last loop statement:
Code: Select all
loop do
while x > 0;
' ...
loop do
' ...
while x > 0;
loop do
until x == 0;
' ...
loop do
' ...
until x == 0;
Code: Select all
func dec2bin(d: uint): str
dim n: uint;
dim r: str * 64;
dim p: ptr;
p = sadd(r);
n = len(r);
if d == 0 do
n = n - 1;
' write character 0 (ascii code 48)
stob(p + n, "0");
loop do
while d > 0;
n = n - 1;
stob(p + n, d % 2 + 48);
d = d / 2;
' mid positions are one based, therefore n + 1
dec2bin = mid(r, n + 1);
Code: Select all
swap(a, b);
print(); ' print linefeed